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Cheap Friendly Secure Storage You Can Trust

Affordable storage in Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire with ANVSJ.

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Why choose ANVSJ?

Why choose ANVSJ?

24/7 Access

Certain sites have 24/7 access and all depots accommodate articulated lorries.

Lowest Prices

Lowest prices in the country all located on major ‘A’ roads and motorways.

Secure Alarm & CCTV

All of our depots have functional perimeter alarms and state of the art CCTV.


24/7 Access

Certain sites have 24/7 access and all depots accommodate articulated lorries.


Lowest Prices

Lowest prices in the country all located on major ‘A’ roads and motorways.


Secure Alarm & CCTV

All of our depots have functional perimeter alarms and state of the art CCTV.

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